11:00 AM

11:15 AM

SGX & STAC Welcome

Tinku Gupta

Chief Information Officer, SGX Group


11:15 AM

11:25 AM

STAC Update: Tick Analytics & Risk Computing

James Corcoran

Head of AI & Analytics, Strategic Technology Analysis Center

Big Compute

11:25 AM

11:50 AM

Innovation Roundup (5 minutes each)
Big Compute

11:45 AM

12:20 PM

Building the bridge: Aligning data strategy with AI ambition

Deep Thomas

Chief Data Officer, Nomura Singapore Limited

Ankur Gupta

Director, E-Trading Data Analytics, Bank of America

Kevin Kwan

Head of Data Science, Enterprise Data, Bloomberg

Big Data

12:20 PM

1:20 PM


1:20 PM

1:40 PM

STAC-AI Research & Benchmarks

James Corcoran

Head of AI & Analytics, Strategic Technology Analysis Center


1:40 PM

1:55 PM

Innovation Roundup (5 minutes each)

1:55 PM

2:30 PM

License to operate: Expanding MLOps for the Agentic era.

Sourav Bose

Head of Data Science & AI, AIA

Annamalai Arunachalam

Vice President, Bank of America

Manan Lohia

Data Scientist, Zurich Insurance

Andrew Kennedy

Principal Data & AI Consultant, Thorogood


2:30 PM

3:00 PM


3:00 PM

3:10 PM

STAC Update: Fast Data & Fast Compute
Fast Compute

3:10 PM

3:25 PM

Piercing the veil: trade performance analytics and record keeping in an encrypted world

Ken Jinks

Managing Director of Product Management, Pico

Fast Compute

3:25 PM

3:40 PM

Innovation Roundup (5 minutes each)
Fast Compute

3:40 PM

4:10 PM

Cool running: managing trading colos and data centers to meet today’s demands

Dave Dong

CTO, Hetu Investment HK Limited

Gareth Bridges

Business Development Director, Financial Services, Asia Pacific, Equinix

Fast Data

4:10 PM

4:25 PM

Innovation Roundup (5 minutes each)
Fast Data

4:30 PM

5:00 PM

Show me some love: Improving the FPGA “Engineer Experience”

Baranidharan Sivapatham (invited)

APAC Lead for Ultra Low Latency FPGA Platforms, Barclays

Mathias Herlev (invited)

Ultra Low Latency FPGA Developer, Qube Research & Technologies

Ramin Zahed Kaklar

FPGA Team Lead, HexoSys Group

Fast Data

5:00 PM

5:05 PM

Innovation Roundup (5 minutes each)
Fast Data

5:05 PM

5:40 PM

Racing the block: keeping up with digital asset trading markets

Sam Ahmed

Former Group COO, DBS Markets, DBS Bank

Khairi Azmi

Head of Institutions, OKX

Karan Dalwani

Director of Account Management, APAC, Talos

David Sung

FSI Senior Solutions Architect, AWS

Fast Data

6:40 PM

7:40 PM

Networking Reception